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204 Results
Women in hijab in a crowd
Women Driving in Saudi Arabia: Ban Lifted, What Are the Economic and Health Effects?
In June 2018, Saudi Arabia finally put an end to its legal ban on women driving, opening the way for millions of new drivers to navigate across a country three times bigger than Texas. While the long-overdue policy shift provides relief to women who lacked freedom of mobility, the onset of so many new drivers has enormous consequences for transportation and the energy sector, as well as labor market participation and public health.
Jim Krane, Farhan Majid June 13, 2018
A Doomed Relationship: Ennahdha and Salafism
Contrary to expectations, the relationship between Ennahdha and the Salafis in Tunisia was destined for failure. The authors explain why, but note that the reasons young people looked to Salafism for revolutionary purity and inspiration remain. Those interested in the stability of Tunisia's regime should not take the defeat of Salafism for granted, they write.
Sabrina Zouaghi, Francesco Cavatorta April 27, 2018