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197 Results
One hundred dollar bills
U.S. Fiscal Policy
With growing competition from abroad, the U.S. must reform its fiscal policy to reduce debt, maximize economic efficiency — including minimizing the distortions caused by the tax system — and maintain its areas of competitive advantage.
John W. Diamond, George R. Zodrow December 5, 2016
Drugs and a gun with money in a pile
The Victimology of Extortions in Mexico
Criminal extortion is on the rise in Mexico, particularly along the northern border states. Author Gary Hale shows how this trend has fueled government corruption, with officials implicitly or explicitly aiding organized crime groups as they extort businesses and citizens.
Gary J. Hale November 4, 2016
International paper currencies stacked together, showing range of colors and styles
What Happened to "Japan as Number One" ?
Japan's once-booming economy has been somnolent, mainly as a result of deflation and decreased productivity. This issue brief discusses Abenomics — the country's strategy for achieving economic growth — and the headwinds created by the demographic forces of aging in Japan.
Masaaki Yoshimori, Russell Green August 26, 2016
Health insurance
HRMS Issue Brief #15: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Texas Workers
A larger percentage of Texas workers are getting health insurance through their employers now than before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new report released by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Episcopal Health Foundation.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Philomene Balihe November 9, 2015