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463 Results
Putin Russian
Why Putin is Doubling Down in Ukraine
Russia is losing the war in Ukraine, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, faced with this truth, has decided to double down on his efforts. Fellow Joe Barnes explains how Putin has boxed himself into a corner — and why this makes him so dangerous.
Joe Barnes October 11, 2022
Students from the D.C. Interns program (2022 cohort) pose with the U.S. capitol in the background
Rice Students Tackle Today’s Public Policy Challenges
From urban revitalization in Houston’s Third Ward to displacement due to climate change in East Africa, students are engaging with a broad range of policy topics at the Baker Institute this fall through internships and the Baker Institute Student Forum.
September 28, 2022
Ukraine flag
How Ukraine Is Upending Putin’s War
The war in Ukraine has taken a dramatic turn. The recent Ukrainian victory in the Kharkiv region has sent a clear message to Putin, who has so far responded with partial mobilization: Russia is in deep trouble in Ukraine.
Joe Barnes September 21, 2022
Mikhail Gorbachev and James A. Baker, IIII
Remembering Mikhail Gorbachev
“History will remember Mikhail Gorbachev as a giant who steered his great nation toward democracy. He played the critical role in a peaceful conclusion of the Cold War by his decision against using force to hold the empire together. I found him to be an honest broker and could count on his word despite domestic pressure in Moscow. The free world misses him greatly.”
James A. Baker, III August 30, 2022