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8 Results
US flag drapes around Middle East regional map
Trump Policy in the Middle East: ISIS
This brief on the Trump administration's approach to the battle against ISIS is the first of a three-part series on America's foreign policy in the Middle East. Subsequent reports will examine U.S. policy in Syria and the intensified competition between Iran and traditional U.S. partners in the region, notably Saudi Arabia and Israel.   
Joe Barnes, Robert Barron January 29, 2018
Ballot box in front of the Mexican flag
Mexico’s National Electoral Institute: Ensuring Fair Elections at the Local Level
On May 23, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed a series of bills to implement constitutional changes to the country’s political and electoral processes. The reforms bring some of the most dynamic shifts to Mexican politics since the 1990s, including replacing the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) with the National Electoral Institute (INE). The new INE and the measures behind it now strive to replicate the IFE’s success in the country's states and municipalities.
Dylan McNally June 30, 2014