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14 Results
Persistent Inequities in Cannabis Policy
The recent shift toward legalization has not been enough to undo the racism endemic to U.S. cannabis policy. The authors lay out policies to improve equity and erase the racist legacy of prohibition.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin October 1, 2021
Many trees cut down in a forest.
Ecology and Economics for Pandemic Prevention
The global financial cost of Covid-19 could top $15 trillion. But governments could prevent future pandemics by investing as little as $22 billion a year in programs to curb wildlife trafficking and stem the destruction of tropical forests, according to an international team of scientists including Baker Institute Faculty Scholar Ted Loch-Temzelides.
Ted Loch-Temzelides, Andrew Dobson, Stuart Pimm, Lee Hannah, Les Kaufman, Jorge Ahumada, Amy Ando, Aaron Bernstein, Jonah Busch, Peter Daszak, Jens Engelmann, Margaret Kinnaird, Binbin Li, Thomas Lovejoy, Katarzyna Nowak, Patrick Roehrdanz, Mariana Vale July 24, 2020
Marijuana Reform: Fears and Facts (Update)
With the Texas Legislature now considering several bills that would decrease penalties for marijuana possession and legalize the use of medical marijuana to treat a variety of conditions, authors William Martin and Katharine A. Neill present updated findings in this new issue brief that support the case for reforming marijuana policy in Texas.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin March 10, 2017
Pen pointing at chart
Drugs by the Numbers: The Brian C. Bennett Drug Charts
Using charts, figures and graphs of this survey data originally created by former career intelligence analyst Brian C. Bennett and updated by the Drug Policy Program, this issue brief offers an overview of drug use trends in America over the last four decades. The brief is part of a larger online project chronicling the pattern of the use and abuse of individual drugs over (in most cases) more than 40 years.
William Martin, Katharine Neill Harris August 1, 2016
Health insurance
HRMS Issue Brief #16: Characteristics and Changes in Rates of the Uninsured in Texas and the United States as of September 2015
The rate of adults without health insurance across the U.S. dropped nearly twice as much as in Texas from 2013 to 2015, according to a new report released today by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Episcopal Health Foundation.
Elena M. Marks, Vivian Ho, Philomene Balihe December 17, 2015
Health insurance
HRMS Issue Brief #15: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Texas Workers
A larger percentage of Texas workers are getting health insurance through their employers now than before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new report released by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Episcopal Health Foundation.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Philomene Balihe November 9, 2015