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123 Results
A globe sits on a desk.
Latin America Initiative | Issue Brief
Increasing the Number of Women in Latin American Politics
Rice faculty scholar Leslie Schwindt-Bayer shares key findings from a recently published book she edited, “Gender and Representation in Latin America," which examines the factors that help increase women’s political presence in Latin American governments.
Leslie Schwindt-Bayer April 4, 2018
The Syrian revolution flag waves over refugee camps.
Trump Policy in the Middle East: Syria
This month, the Syrian Civil War will have lasted seven years. The authors of this brief explore how the United States — first under President Barack Obama and now under President Donald Trump — has struggled to develop a coherent strategy that balances U.S. interests in the conflict with the military, financial and diplomatic resources necessary to pursue them.
Robert Barron, Joe Barnes March 7, 2018
A map focused on Venezuela.
Venezuela's Oil Mythologies Have Hindered Its Development
Cultural myths — and by extension, the suppositions they inspire — have played a major role in shaping Venezuela's relationship with and management of oil resources throughout much of the last 100 years, writes nonresident fellow Luis Pacheco. To achieve sustainable economic and social development, Venezuela must move beyond such beliefs and establish a new approach that is more attuned to current times.
Luis A. Pacheco February 5, 2018