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302 Results
A woman wears a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mexico’s ‘New Normal’
President López Obrador was skeptical of the coronavirus threat and ignored the recommendations of his own health experts. He downplayed the crisis and relied on his intuition instead of science, with disastrous results. He will be even more distracted in the coming months as he campaigns for re-election.
Rodrigo Montes de Oca June 22, 2020
The flags of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.
The USMCA’s Future in Context
In the last of a series of reports on the USMCA, fellow David Gantz considers the trade-related matters that could affect the success of the USMCA as a mechanism for encouraging investment, creating new jobs and enhancing consumer welfare in North America.
David A. Gantz June 16, 2020
A woman sits on the floor while looking down.
The Association Between New COVID-19 Cases and Google Searches for Mental Health
When states report an increase in Covid-19 cases, Google searches for mental health-related issues also increase, often significantly, the authors find. Their analysis of Google trends data, which is posted in Advance Social Science and Humanities, recommends that policymakers prepare for greater mental health needs in the event a predicted resurgence of Covid-19 becomes a reality.
Patrick S. Tennant, Quianta Moore, Jennifer Gonzalez, Melissa Rowan, Catie Hilbelink June 10, 2020