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148 Results
Oil rig at night
Will Pemex Remain “First Among Equals” Under Mexico’s Upcoming Petroleum Legislation?
Under proposed legislation to implement Mexico’s energy reforms, Pemex will remain a privileged state operator supporting exploration and production in most of the country's proven onshore and shallow water fields. It is not known if energy reform will effectively turn Pemex into a firm able to compete without policy bias against private investors.
Isidro Morales June 13, 2014
Mexico Flag
Coordinated Regulatory Agencies: New Governance for Mexico's Energy Sector
Energy regulation under Mexico's energy-sector reforms are of great interest to investors, since autonomous regulators—protected from political pressures and able to make and sustain technical decisions—can guarantee greater legal consistency than government authorities exposed to political pressures. The difficulty was finding an alternative model that ensured the institutional strengthening of the agencies without relinquishing too much control of the executive branch.
Miriam Grunstein June 10, 2014
Health insurance
HRMS Issue Brief #3: Early Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage in Texas for 2014
The Health Reform Monitoring Survey (HRMS)-Texas report is based on the HRMS, a national project that provides timely information on implementation issues under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and changes in health insurance coverage and related health outcomes. The Baker Institute and the Episcopal Health Foundation are partnering to fund and report on key factors about Texans obtained from an expanded representative sample of Texas residents.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Patricia Gail Bray April 14, 2014
Pen pointing at chart
HRMS Issue Brief #1: Were Texans Satisfied With the Cost of Health Care and Health Insurance Prior to the Affordable Care Act?
In this issue brief, Rice University's Baker Institute and The Episcopal Health Foundation ask, "Were Texans satisfied with the cost of health care and health insurance prior to the Affordable Care Act?" By Vivian Ho, Ph.D.; Elena M. Marks, J.D., M.P.H.; and Patricia Gail Bray, Ph.D.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Patricia Gail Bray February 10, 2014