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811 Results
Health insurance
Estimating the Potential Profit Gains from Lowering Employee Health Care Costs for America’s Largest Companies
This report finds that America's largest companies could be increasing their profits by identifying opportunities to reign in the costs of health insurance coverage — while still maintaining or improving the quality of benefits for their employees.
Alan Beltran Lara, Cindy Nguyen, Marah Short, Vivian Ho September 19, 2022
U.S. Citizens in Mexico: Displaced Without Protection
Among the U.S. citizens migrating to Mexico in recent years are an unknown number of Americans who married Mexican citizens and were co-deported or departed voluntarily with their undocumented spouses, the authors report. Without improved consular services and a diaspora policy that anticipates the likely return of these Americans in the future, the authors worry that the United States risks re-inheriting a sizable U.S. population that may well require critical government services to reintegrate after a prolonged period abroad.
Tran Dang, Abigail Thornton August 4, 2022
Barbed wire between Israel, Jerusalem
The Israeli-Palestinian Case: Current Prospects and Continued Importance of the Two-State Solution
This report explores the current situation in Palestinian-Israeli dynamics and concludes that the only real solution is a return to the two-state paradigm. Peace and security — for both Israelis and Palestinians — will come through mutual recognition of statehood and clearly defined and respected international borders, the author writes.
Samih Al-Abid July 1, 2022