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86 Results
The globe at night; focus on Europe
The Madrid Summit and the Future of NATO
Russia’s attack on Ukraine — the culmination of over a decade marked by growing Russian military interference in Georgia and then Ukraine — has refocused NATO’s attention on the threat posed by Moscow.
Joe Barnes July 5, 2022
A gas tanker moves through a body of water.
U.S. LNG ‘GasLift’ Floods European Terminals Ahead of Russia Gas Cutoff
How can a U.S. response help Europe if Russian gas cuts off energy supplies of more countries following Poland and Bulgaria? The authors explain why currently, more drastic actions by the U.S. could prove counterproductive, unnecessary and harmful to U.S. trade policy. Read the post on the Baker Institute Blog.  This article originally appeared in the Forbes blog on May 2, 2022.
Anna B. Mikulska, Steven R. Miles May 2, 2022
A skilled immigrant ties back her hair.
Linking Mexican Immigrants' Contributions to the U.S. Knowledge Economy
High-skilled immigrants from emerging markets are playing an increasingly important role in the global knowledge economy, writes nonresident scholar Elizabeth Salamanca Pacheco. In this paper, Salamanca Pacheco explains how high-skilled migrants from Mexico are well positioned to alleviate a STEM talent shortage in the U.S. and stimulate innovation in their native country.
Elizabeth Salamanca February 25, 2022
Biden’s Foreign Policy: One Year In
President Biden's foreign policy is colored by both decisiveness and a realism that falls short of his idealism, with a result that draws elements of Trump's and Obama's approaches together, writes fellow Joe Barnes. Read his post on our blog.
Joe Barnes January 4, 2022
Chinese oil production
U.S.-China Competition Enters the Decade of Maximum Danger: Policy Ideas to Avoid Losing the 2020s
As China’s power reaches its peak over the next decade, President Xi Jinping may make a bold move against Taiwan. To protect American interests and the rules-based order, the authors argue that the United States and its allies should immediately mobilize resources to deter Chinese aggression.
Gabriel Collins, Andrew S. Erickson December 20, 2021
Student gets temperature checked at school
Guidance for Parents: Keeping Kids Safe and in School Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the judicial battle over Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates continues, the authors argue that the most effective way to protect children from COVID-19 is to require masks in schools. Click below for their full list of policy recommendations, including what exceptions should be made, and when and how to end school mask requirements.
Quianta Moore, Christopher F. Kulesza December 9, 2021
The Fracas With France
Paris and Washington are past the immediate AUKUS crisis, but two major, related issues will remain high on Biden’s foreign policy agenda for the balance of his term, writes fellow Joe Barnes: China’s military expansion in the Pacific and the EU’s role in great power politics. Read more at the Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes October 20, 2021