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359 Results
Satellite image of Persian Gulf
Rebalancing Regional Security in the Persian Gulf
This research paper examines how underlying shifts in security dynamics in the Persian Gulf may evolve as regional states respond to the perception of receding U.S. leadership by further diversifying security relationships and internationalizing what until the 2010s had been a solidly Western-centric web of partnerships. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25613/n8xe-hj20
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen February 25, 2020
Sunnyside and South Park Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Report
Gentrification has just begun in Sunnyside, which has a desirable, close-in location, and current residents are keen to revitalize the neighborhood but also keep its heritage intact. To aid their efforts, this survey was conducted to provide local leaders and policymakers with data about neighborhood concerns, well-being and strengths.
Quianta Moore, Zeinab Bakhiet November 14, 2019
Third Ward Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Report
This report is the culmination of a 16-month-long survey of residents in Houston's Third Ward. The data aims to inform strategies and investments that support resident access to health care, transportation and other quality-of-life concerns while maintaining the community's character and affordability. The authors thank the Houston Endowment for its generous support.
Quianta Moore, Christopher F. Kulesza, Assata Richards October 25, 2019