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95 Results
Solar panels and wind turbines
Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation: Possibilities, Benefits, and Challenges for a Widespread Application in the Mexican Residential Sector
This paper assesses the current operational conditions of the Mexican residential electricity sector and examines the potential effects that the massive adoption of distributed photovoltaic power generation (DPV) systems would have on household expenditure and welfare, subsidy reduction, pollution and water resource usage.
Pedro Hancevic, Hector Nuñez, Juan Rosellón September 4, 2017
Oil rig
Beyond 12.5: The Implications of an Increase in Saudi Crude Oil Production Capacity
A combination of factors is encouraging Saudi Arabia to consider raising crude oil production capacity beyond the current ceiling of 12.5 million barrels per day. However, an increase in Saudi crude oil production would have consequences for markets and competing forms of energy, as well as for the kingdom's geopolitical stature, writes fellow Jim Krane in an article for Energy Policy.
Jim Krane August 24, 2017