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4 Results
One hundred dollar bills
The Unfavorable Economics of Currency Manipulation Chapters in Trade Agreements
As Congress resumes work this spring on a bill granting Trade Promotion Authority to President Obama for completion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, many members have sought inclusion of a chapter on currency manipulation. Currency manipulation is a legitimate concern. However, countermeasures require clear, objective identification of currency manipulation. Both the IMF and the U.S. Treasury Department have mandates to identify currency manipulation, yet neither has done so in the past 20 years. If it can be done, why has it not happened more often? In this issue brief, Russell Green, Will Clayton Fellow in International Economics, reviews the difficulties of operationalizing a currency manipulation chapter and argues that the difficulty of identifying currency manipulation suggests serious political obstacles to implementation.
Russell Green April 27, 2015
Health insurance
HRMS Issue Brief #3: Early Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage in Texas for 2014
The Health Reform Monitoring Survey (HRMS)-Texas report is based on the HRMS, a national project that provides timely information on implementation issues under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and changes in health insurance coverage and related health outcomes. The Baker Institute and the Episcopal Health Foundation are partnering to fund and report on key factors about Texans obtained from an expanded representative sample of Texas residents.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Patricia Gail Bray April 14, 2014
Pen pointing at chart
HRMS Issue Brief #1: Were Texans Satisfied With the Cost of Health Care and Health Insurance Prior to the Affordable Care Act?
In this issue brief, Rice University's Baker Institute and The Episcopal Health Foundation ask, "Were Texans satisfied with the cost of health care and health insurance prior to the Affordable Care Act?" By Vivian Ho, Ph.D.; Elena M. Marks, J.D., M.P.H.; and Patricia Gail Bray, Ph.D.
Vivian Ho, Elena M. Marks, Patricia Gail Bray February 10, 2014