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9 Results
A nickel processing site.
Need Nickel? How Electrifying Transport and Chinese Investment Are Playing Out in the Indonesian Archipelago
The authors examine tensions in nickel supply and value chains within the context of broad aspirations to electrify transport. Through their case study, which focuses on China’s growing presence in Indonesian nickel extraction and processing, they contend that China is positioning itself as a gatekeeper to the energy transition — with vast implications for strategic planning in the United States.
Michelle Michot Foss, Jacob Koelsch April 11, 2022
Hidden money
Center for the U.S. and Mexico | Latin America Initiative | Research Paper
Anatomy of Urban Corruption: A Review of Official Corruption Complaints From a Mexican City
The authors examine a unique and anonymized dataset of complaints about government corruption in an urban Mexico district. The trends they found are transferable to other urban districts across the country and Latin America, they write, and may help anticorruption agencies in Mexico and beyond direct their efforts. https://doi.org/10.25613/cqgc-xv79.
Ana Grajales, Paul Lagunes, Tomas Nazal December 13, 2018
The Houston cityscape.
Creating a Pipeline for Startups in Houston, Texas
Recent academic research has shown that startup training institutions can greatly increase the number of startup firms receiving seed and early-stage venture capital for the first time. In this paper, the authors examine the startup training institutions in Houston, and what they are doing to open up the city’s pipeline of startups.
Edward J. Egan, Benjamin J. Baldazo, Dylan T. Dickens May 31, 2017
This photo shows an industrial zone in China.
The Double-edged Sword: Guanxi and Science Ethics in Academic Physics in the People’s Republic of China
As China continues to open up to the transnational circulation of labor, ideas, technology and capital under globalization, one must wonder: will Chinese society’s more cosmopolitan and transnational groups continue to be guided by guanxi, the system of social networks and influential relationships that facilitate business and other dealings?
Steven W. Lewis, Elaine Howard Ecklund, Di Di March 31, 2017
US flag drapes around Middle East regional map
Boko Haram: Whose Islamic State?
Boko Haram may be reaching its bitter end in Nigeria as the the country's military, with the support of Niger, Cameroon, and Chad, plans a massive ground invasion of the insurgents’ long-controlled safe zone, the Sambisa Forest. Outgoing Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has refused the offer of the United Nations to send troops, expressing confidence in the regional Multinational Joint Task Force's (MNJTF) ability to rout Boko Haram before the May 29 handover to the new president. However, Boko Haram remains deadly as long as sharia is the precondition for political and economic gains to the Muslim north.
Michael Nwankpa May 1, 2015