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11 Results
Yarrington, García Luna, and Cienfuegos: Three Cases that Explain the New Judicial Relationship Between Mexico and the United States
In this report, fellow Tony Payan examines three recent U.S. criminal cases involving high-ranking Mexican officials. These cases point to a new “policy” by Washington to use its long-arm jurisdiction to arrest, prosecute and punish Mexican officials who have committed crimes that harm U.S. interests, he writes.
Tony Payan May 15, 2023
Barbed wire between Israel, Jerusalem
The Israeli-Palestinian Case: Current Prospects and Continued Importance of the Two-State Solution
This report explores the current situation in Palestinian-Israeli dynamics and concludes that the only real solution is a return to the two-state paradigm. Peace and security — for both Israelis and Palestinians — will come through mutual recognition of statehood and clearly defined and respected international borders, the author writes.
Samih Al-Abid July 1, 2022
A permanent resident card rests on a U.S. flag.
Resurrecting the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) Program
President Biden has an opportunity, the author argues, to resurrect the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program and provide a pathway to legal status for millions of undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. This report explores the potential of the DAPA program to impact immigrant families and policy avenues toward its passage.
Anna Ferri April 20, 2021
Israeli and Palestinian flags
How the U.S. Can Reshape the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiating Framework
In the current absence of direct negotiations, the Obama administration has an opportunity to reshape the Israeli-Palestinian negotiating framework, according to a report by the Conflict Resolution Program at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. The report recommends that the administration continue to demonstrate strong U.S. support for the two-state model, test the willingness of the parties to compromise and adopt a more comprehensive approach to resolving the conflict with the support of the international community.
Edward P. Djerejian, Yair Hirschfeld, Samih Al-Abid July 8, 2015