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72 Results
An aerial view of the Dubai skyline.
Energy and Politics in the Persian Gulf
As Persian Gulf countries consider a future in which hydrocarbons play a smaller role in their economies, much of the Arab world remains embroiled in conflict and political uncertainty. This report recaps a conference on the impact of these issues on both Houston and U.S. energy and security interests.
Rudeina Amine Baasiri, Jim Krane, Kristian Coates Ulrichsen December 19, 2018
Jordan on Map
Challenge to the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty
King Abdullah announced that Jordan will not renew the annex to the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty that created special governing areas in Naharayim and Zofar. Gilead Sher, the Brochstein Fellow in Middle East Peace and Security, and Mor Ben-Kalifa explore this decision and the conditions that led to it in The Institute for National Security Studies: https://bit.ly/2Pvag58
Gilead Sher, Mor Ben-Kalifa October 29, 2018
Oil refinery
Geopolitical Dimensions of U.S. Oil Security
The United States appears less exposed to geopolitical risks affecting its oil supply than at any time since the early 1970s due to fracking, climate change and a more diverse energy supply, according to research by energy fellow Jim Krane and Kenneth B. Medlock, senior director of the Center for Energy Studies.
Jim Krane, Kenneth B. Medlock III January 4, 2018
Oil rig
Beyond 12.5: The Implications of an Increase in Saudi Crude Oil Production Capacity
A combination of factors is encouraging Saudi Arabia to consider raising crude oil production capacity beyond the current ceiling of 12.5 million barrels per day. However, an increase in Saudi crude oil production would have consequences for markets and competing forms of energy, as well as for the kingdom's geopolitical stature, writes fellow Jim Krane in an article for Energy Policy.
Jim Krane August 24, 2017
Stem Cell
Unproven Stem Cell-based Interventions: Advancing Policy Through Stakeholder Collaboration
A growing number of stem cell clinics treat a variety of illnesses and injuries, yet few have conducted the necessary clinical research to ensure safety and efficacy. The authors highlight the importance of collaboration between scientists, regulators, patients and patient advocates in developing effective policies and practices for unproven stem cell-based intervention clinics.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Ana S. Iltis June 1, 2017