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281 Results
anti-corruption protests in Brazil
The Lengthy Brazilian Crisis Is Not Yet Over
Since the first quarter of 2014, Brazil has been living in crisis mode as the result of a severe economic crisis in conjunction with an investigation into widespread corruption that has penetrated the highest offices in the government. Although the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in 2016 did offer some hope for recovery, recent events demonstrate that Brazil's troubles are still ongoing. Contributing expert Sergio Fausto analyzes the main factors leading to this crisis and surveys the current economic and political situation.
Sergio Fausto February 17, 2017
One hundred dollar bills
U.S. Fiscal Policy
With growing competition from abroad, the U.S. must reform its fiscal policy to reduce debt, maximize economic efficiency — including minimizing the distortions caused by the tax system — and maintain its areas of competitive advantage.
John W. Diamond, George R. Zodrow December 5, 2016
A map focused on Venezuela.
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Another Blow to Venezuela’s Crumbling Democracy
Venezuela's fragile democracy is crumbling under President Nicolás Maduro. Latin America Initiative program director Erika de la Garza analyzes the country's political and economic crises in the Baker Institute Blog: http://bit.ly/2ekRNFH
Erika de la Garza October 20, 2016
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Colombia’s Peace Plebiscite: The People Have Spoken
Colombians on Sunday (10/2) voted against a peace deal with FARC negotiated by President Juan Manuel Santos. What are the potential ramifications of the vote, and the prospects for resolving the country's decades-long confict with the rebel group?
Lisa Guáqueta, Francisco J. Monaldi October 3, 2016
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Colombia’s Peace Plebiscite: Making the Right Choice
President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia promised that if his administration negotiated peace with the guerrilla group FARC, he would bring the agreement to the people for ratification. But his request for a plebiscite (a type of referendum) quickly turned into a clash between Santos and former President Alvaro Uribe, whose Centro Democrático party is leading a campaign against the agreement. Read more at the Houston Chronicle Blog: http://bit.ly/2cTT8zB
Lisa Guáqueta September 27, 2016