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114 Results
Solar panels and wind turbines
Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation: Possibilities, Benefits, and Challenges for a Widespread Application in the Mexican Residential Sector
This paper assesses the current operational conditions of the Mexican residential electricity sector and examines the potential effects that the massive adoption of distributed photovoltaic power generation (DPV) systems would have on household expenditure and welfare, subsidy reduction, pollution and water resource usage.
Pedro Hancevic, Hector Nuñez, Juan Rosellón September 4, 2017
Oil rig
Beyond 12.5: The Implications of an Increase in Saudi Crude Oil Production Capacity
A combination of factors is encouraging Saudi Arabia to consider raising crude oil production capacity beyond the current ceiling of 12.5 million barrels per day. However, an increase in Saudi crude oil production would have consequences for markets and competing forms of energy, as well as for the kingdom's geopolitical stature, writes fellow Jim Krane in an article for Energy Policy.
Jim Krane August 24, 2017
The flags of the U.S. and Iran fusing together as stone.
Causes of the U.S. Hostage Crisis in Iran: The Untold Account of the Communist Threat
Drawing upon primary documents from various Iranian communists and Islamists, this research paper questions the conventional wisdom that the Islamists' takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 was a grassroots reaction to American policies. The author argues that competition between the Islamists and leftists instead may have been a key driver of the hostage crisis.
Mohammad Ayatollahi Tabaar July 7, 2017
Stem Cell
Unproven Stem Cell-based Interventions: Advancing Policy Through Stakeholder Collaboration
A growing number of stem cell clinics treat a variety of illnesses and injuries, yet few have conducted the necessary clinical research to ensure safety and efficacy. The authors highlight the importance of collaboration between scientists, regulators, patients and patient advocates in developing effective policies and practices for unproven stem cell-based intervention clinics.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Ana S. Iltis June 1, 2017
Transmission towers against a sunset.
Optimal Transmission Planning Under the Mexican New Electricity Market
Mexico's electricity market has engaged in a deep reform process after decades of a state-owned, vertically integrated, noncompetitive closed industry. Using different modeling strategies, the authors of this paper analyze electricity transmission planning under the new industrial and institutional structure, which is characterized by a nodal pricing system and an independent system operator (ISO).
Eric Zenón, Juan Rosellón February 16, 2017