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26 Results
A close-up of an immigration stamp.
The Quest for Elusive Reform: Undocumented Immigrants in a Polarized Nation
In this paper, the author examines past attempts at immigration reform in the United States, especially as they pertain to the nation’s undocumented population. Analyzing these early reform efforts could be deeply instructive for the prospects of President Biden’s U.S. Citizenship Act and reveals both durable patterns and new developments that could shape the chances for legislative breakthroughs.
Daniel J. Tichenor March 24, 2021
Vaccine Legislation in Texas and the Rise of the State Anti-Vaccine Movement
Over the past decade, anti-vaccine rhetoric and activity have increased in the United States, resulting in decreased vaccination rates and more frequent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. In this study, researchers use Texas as a case study to determine if vaccine-related legislation became a partisan issue between 2009 and 2019.
Sarah Lasater, Rekha Lakshmanan, Kirstin R.W. Matthews November 30, 2020
Hidden money
Corruption and Democracy in Mexico: An Empirical Analysis
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has pledged to end corrupt practices in Mexico. Yet some of his other goals — such as returning to a more centralized government — might actually foster corruption. Postdoctoral fellow Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez explores this situation and analyzes the relationship between democracy and corruption in Mexico.
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez October 3, 2019
A gavel rests in front of the Mexican flag.
State-building, the Modernization of the Legal System, and Institutional Effectiveness in Mexico: Notes on the 2013–2014 Energy Reform
Nobody can ensure that the economic gamble underlying the 2013–2014 energy reform will achieve the desired or expected success. However, the author presents evidence demonstrating that Mexico has gradually been building the institutions that will be able to perform governmental operations with reasonable effectiveness.
Héctor Fix-Fierro November 14, 2017
A gavel rests in front of the Mexican flag.
Energy Reform and Political Representation: The Importance of Negotiation and Public Deliberation
The recent energy reform in Mexico is the most radical institutional change the country has experienced since the nationalization of the oil industry in 1938. The authors of this paper outline how this major reform was accomplished, examining its primary supporters and detractors, the multi-dimensional interests at play, and the negotiation strategies used. They also analyze the quality of the prior deliberation process in order to determine the degree of legitimacy of the reform.
José del Tronco, Mara Hernández February 28, 2017
Texas Capitol
The Selection of Judges in Texas: Analysis of the Current System and of the Principal Reform Options
During the 85th Legislative Session, Texas lawmakers have the opportunity to enact reforms to the current process by which the state selects its judges—in partisan elections in combination with a straight-ticket voting option. Political science fellow Mark P. Jones analyzes four reform options and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Mark P. Jones January 13, 2017
A gavel rests in front of the Mexican flag.
Prologue: Energy, The Law, and "The Mexican Way"
Mexico’s energy reforms created a still-developing reality whereby interactions among the players require new rules, new dispute settlement procedures, and far-reaching legal expertise. Importantly, the reforms also redefined the country's prevailing culture and legal norms. This prologue serves as a guide for readers of the series of papers that follow on the impact of energy reforms on Mexico's rule of law.
Luis Rubio January 4, 2017