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59 Results
Unbalanced scales of justice.
Drug Policy Priority Issues for the Biden Administration
Effective drug policy requires acceptance that, for better or worse, licit and illicit drug use is part of our world. The authors recommend several steps the federal government can take to facilitate more pragmatic and effective drug policy at all levels of government.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin February 5, 2021
Marijuana bud next to a gavel
The Case For Marijuana Decriminalization
In recent years public opinion surveys have found that a consistent and increasing percentage of Texans support marijuana reform, but this support has not translated into policy change. The authors explain why it should.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin April 16, 2019
Marijuana bud next to a gavel
Marijuana as Medicine
By providing regulated and safe access to medical cannabis to people with demonstrated need, the Texas Legislature can provide justified relief, help reduce the opioid epidemic, and save Texas millions of dollars, write the authors.
William Martin, Katharine Neill Harris April 15, 2019
Image of Lebanon
Lebanon: A Consociational Model to Be Refined
Divisions across ethnic and religious lines in several Middle East countries since the 2011 Arab uprisings have brought renewed attention to the consociational model of governance. This student brief examines Lebanon’s consociational system in order to gauge whether it would be useful for other countries in the region experience similar ethnic or religious divisions.
Maria Tannous October 15, 2018
Ballot box in front of the Mexican flag
Mexico’s Electoral Authorities: Implications for Democracy and the Rule of Law
Mexico’s electoral authorities made several poor decisions in the two most recent election cycles. This brief examines these decisions in light of the continued fragility of Mexico's political institutions, and it argues that all rulings are pivotal for the credibility of future elections and the consolidation of Mexico’s democracy.
Rodrigo Montes de Oca September 24, 2018