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498 Results
Drugs and a gun with money in a pile
What the New U.S.-Mexico Deal Means for Drug Policy
This October the U.S. and Mexico agreed on a new bilateral security program, but "unless the United States and Mexico pursue domestic structural reforms ... both nations risk backsliding to the failures of the drug wars," writes MGA student and Drug Policy guest contributor Sidney Phillips.
December 16, 2021
Student gets temperature checked at school
Guidance for Parents: Keeping Kids Safe and in School throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the judicial battle over Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates continues, the authors argue that the most effective way to protect children from COVID-19 is to require masks in schools. Click below for their full list of policy recommendations, including what exceptions should be made, and when and how to end school mask requirements.
Quianta Moore, Christopher F. Kulesza December 9, 2021
Empty Hospital Bed with Chart Overlay
COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Among Underserved Latino Communities: Barriers and Facilitators
"In the U.S., Latinos are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. A critical step to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is diagnostic testing," write scholar Luz Garcini and co-authors. This research article identifies the barriers and facilitators that must be addressed in order to implement accessible, effective testing.
Luz Maria Garcini, Tommy Tam Pham, Arlynn Ambriz, Sarah Lill, Joel Tsevat October 31, 2021
Seniors finance
Out-of-pocket Health Expenditures and Health Care Services Use Among Older Americans With Cognitive Impairment
The evidence base on health services use and cost burdens associated with transition to severe cognitive impairment (SCI) and dementia is underdeveloped. We examine how the change in cognitive impairment status influences nursing home use, hospitalizations, and out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditures.
Derek Jenkins October 29, 2021