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280 Results
Many trees cut down in a forest.
Ecology and Economics for Pandemic Prevention
The global financial cost of Covid-19 could top $15 trillion. But governments could prevent future pandemics by investing as little as $22 billion a year in programs to curb wildlife trafficking and stem the destruction of tropical forests, according to an international team of scientists including Baker Institute Faculty Scholar Ted Loch-Temzelides.
Ted Loch-Temzelides, Andrew Dobson, Stuart Pimm, Lee Hannah, Les Kaufman, Jorge Ahumada, Amy Ando, Aaron Bernstein, Jonah Busch, Peter Daszak, Jens Engelmann, Margaret Kinnaird, Binbin Li, Thomas Lovejoy, Katarzyna Nowak, Patrick Roehrdanz, Mariana Vale July 24, 2020
A refugee boy holds a stuffed animal.
Building a New Life in Uncertain Times: The Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees in the U.S.
The Covid-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for resettled refugees in the U.S. and exposed underlying vulnerabilities that particularly impact refugee women and children, as well as the organizations that work to support them. The authors examine the difficulties facing refugees in the U.S. and offer policy recommendations that may help them.
Kelsey Norman, Quianta Moore, Zeinab Bakhiet July 14, 2020
A woman sits on the floor while looking down.
The Association Between New COVID-19 Cases and Google Searches for Mental Health
When states report an increase in Covid-19 cases, Google searches for mental health-related issues also increase, often significantly, the authors find. Their analysis of Google trends data, which is posted in Advance Social Science and Humanities, recommends that policymakers prepare for greater mental health needs in the event a predicted resurgence of Covid-19 becomes a reality.
Patrick S. Tennant, Quianta Moore, Jennifer Gonzalez, Melissa Rowan, Catie Hilbelink June 10, 2020
Dialysis machine
Pre-ESKD Nephrology Care and Employment at the Start of Dialysis
The authors found that six months of pre–end-stage kidney disease nephrology care did not significantly improve the likelihood that patients would remain employed when they started dialysis. This finding underscores the need to identify effective methods to help patients stay employed when they transition to dialysis.
Vivian Ho, Kevin Erickson May 18, 2020