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84 Results
A star design on a gate, with the Texas State Capitol building in the background.
Valuation of Groundwater in Place at a Texas Frac Water Supplier
To either close deals or resolve disputes, parties and courts must be able to attach a credible economic value to water that may still be underground in the aquifer. In this brief, fellow Gabriel Collins proposes a means of estimating this value that opens the door for a direct comparison of the implied price paid for groundwater in a land purchase transaction and the price paid for an explicit agreement to acquire only the groundwater estate beneath a tract.
Gabriel Collins December 7, 2017
Marijuana Reform: Fears and Facts (Update)
With the Texas Legislature now considering several bills that would decrease penalties for marijuana possession and legalize the use of medical marijuana to treat a variety of conditions, authors William Martin and Katharine A. Neill present updated findings in this new issue brief that support the case for reforming marijuana policy in Texas.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin March 10, 2017
A woman receives a vaccine in her left arm.
How Too Much Freedom of Choice Endangers Public Health: The Effect of Nonmedical Exemptions From School-entry Vaccinations in Texas
This policy brief analyzes the impact of the increasing number of parents who opt their children out of school-entry vaccinations for nonmedical reasons in Texas and argues that the state should make obtaining nonmedical exemptions more rigorous in order to reduce the public health risks and costs associated with vaccine-preventable diseases.
Jackie Olive, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 13, 2016
International paper currencies stacked together, showing range of colors and styles
What Happened to "Japan as Number One" ?
Japan's once-booming economy has been somnolent, mainly as a result of deflation and decreased productivity. This issue brief discusses Abenomics — the country's strategy for achieving economic growth — and the headwinds created by the demographic forces of aging in Japan.
Masaaki Yoshimori, Russell Green August 26, 2016