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117 Results
Flooding from Hurricane Harvey
The Houston Plan for Flood Damage Reduction
To reduce future flood damage, Houston needs a plan that features a strong vision focused on living with flooding, excellent information on flooding risks and safety concerns, and action on protecting residents' lives and livelihoods, Rice faculty scholar Jim Blackburn writes in an issue brief.
Jim Blackburn November 12, 2018
Image of Lebanon
Lebanon: A Consociational Model to Be Refined
Divisions across ethnic and religious lines in several Middle East countries since the 2011 Arab uprisings have brought renewed attention to the consociational model of governance. This student brief examines Lebanon’s consociational system in order to gauge whether it would be useful for other countries in the region experience similar ethnic or religious divisions.
Maria Tannous October 15, 2018
Women at a mosque
Women as Religious Authorities: What a Forgotten History Means for the Modern Middle East
Given the current dearth of women exercising Islamic authority, it may be assumed that for most of Islamic history, questions of religion and religious law were the near-exclusive domain of men. This brief discusses the various roles and contributions of women in Islam and religious scholarship and outlines recommendations for improving attitudes towards women in religious leadership in Muslim countries. This is one of 10 briefs in a series on pluralism and inclusion in the Middle East after the Arab Spring. The project is generously supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Mirjam Künkler October 2, 2018
Oil and Gas
FERC and PHMSA Sign Memorandum of Understanding: Is It the Silver Bullet to Expedited LNG Application Reviews?
On August 31, 2018, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the shared goal of accelerating and streamlining the permit application review process for proposed LNG facilities. Fellow Rachel A. Meidl explores the significance and possible impact of this MOU.
Rachel A. Meidl October 1, 2018