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65 Results
The Syrian revolution flag waves over refugee camps.
Trump Policy in the Middle East: Syria
This month, the Syrian Civil War will have lasted seven years. The authors of this brief explore how the United States — first under President Barack Obama and now under President Donald Trump — has struggled to develop a coherent strategy that balances U.S. interests in the conflict with the military, financial and diplomatic resources necessary to pursue them.
Robert Barron, Joe Barnes March 7, 2018
A woman receives a vaccine in her left arm.
How Too Much Freedom of Choice Endangers Public Health: The Effect of Nonmedical Exemptions From School-entry Vaccinations in Texas
This policy brief analyzes the impact of the increasing number of parents who opt their children out of school-entry vaccinations for nonmedical reasons in Texas and argues that the state should make obtaining nonmedical exemptions more rigorous in order to reduce the public health risks and costs associated with vaccine-preventable diseases.
Jackie Olive, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 13, 2016