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26 Results
Yarrington, García Luna, and Cienfuegos: Three Cases that Explain the New Judicial Relationship Between Mexico and the United States
In this report, fellow Tony Payan examines three recent U.S. criminal cases involving high-ranking Mexican officials. These cases point to a new “policy” by Washington to use its long-arm jurisdiction to arrest, prosecute and punish Mexican officials who have committed crimes that harm U.S. interests, he writes.
Tony Payan May 15, 2023
Recommendations for Realizing the Full Potential of Nanotechnology and Carbon Nanotubes in the Energy Transition
Rachel A. Meidl, the fellow in energy and environment, writes that investing in nanotechnology research and development is critical for future decarbonization strategies that can drive U.S. leadership in the clean energy revolution, reduce dependencies on foreign markets, yield economic and national security advantages, and enhance environmental justice and energy independence.
Rachel A. Meidl February 1, 2021