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90 Results
Money and a calculator rest on top of a map of the Middle East.
“Islamic Finance” After State-sponsored Capitalist Islamism
The impending demise of petrodollar-supported capitalist Islamism, the failures of which begat 21st century terrorist Islamism, incentivizes the Muslim middle class and timocracies to find another outlet for Muslim liberation theology. This amplifies manifold the risks (and potential, but limited, benefits) of “Islamic finance.”  
Mahmoud A. El-Gamal December 1, 2017
Coins and scale
Nonlinear Taxation in an Economy With Heterogeneous Firms and Heterogeneous Households
In an economy with heterogeneous firms and heterogeneous consumers, the authors describe a general equilibrium where firm equity is priced by a supply and demand process. With a model robust to arbitrary, nonlinear tax functions, they investigate the efficiency of replacing the current U.S. tax regime with a policy of no corporate taxes and taxation of capital distributions to the household at progressive personal income tax rates.
Jorge Barro, Efraim Berkovich November 21, 2017
The Texas Gulf Coast.
Implementing the Texas Coastal Exchange
The unfettered development of Houston's flood-prone areas undoubtedly magnified the tremendous damage caused by Hurricane Harvey, but zoning or other land use controls are unpopular on the Texas coast and are unlikely to be adopted as a result. With this in mind, the SSPEED Center at Rice University looked to innovation and the market system to find a creative solution to protect important natural, flood-prone areas from further development. 
Jim Blackburn September 13, 2017