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198 Results
Woman with mask waiting in line to vote in a U.S. election.
A Presidential Election During the Time of COVID-19
Held virtually across three days in December 2020, the Presidential Elections Program's third conference — "A Presidential Election During the Time of COVID-19" — brought together a diverse group of academics, campaign consultants and other prominent individuals to review the dynamics and outcome of the 2020 presidential election. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions of the many individuals who participated in the conference’s five thematic panels, as well as a moderated conversation featuring veteran political consultants Stephanie Cutter and Beth Myers, who served as the conference's honorary co-chairs.
Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams December 20, 2021
Student gets temperature checked at school
Guidance for Parents: Keeping Kids Safe and in School throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the judicial battle over Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates continues, the authors argue that the most effective way to protect children from COVID-19 is to require masks in schools. Click below for their full list of policy recommendations, including what exceptions should be made, and when and how to end school mask requirements.
Quianta Moore, Christopher F. Kulesza December 9, 2021
Woman casting her vote at the polls.
The Carter-Baker Commission: 16 Years Later
In 2005, former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, co-chaired the Commission on Federal Election Reform, which produced a report on the U.S. electoral process and recommendations on maximizing ballot access and election integrity. In June 2021, The Carter Center and the Baker Institute held five webinars that again examined critical challenges facing the U.S. electoral system. This report includes the results of the discussions.
October 28, 2021
This photo depicts the city of Jerusalem.
A Framework Agreement for an Israeli-Palestinian Permanent Peace
Despite the frozen status of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the considerable obstacles to restart them, a U.S.-led effort could help to gradually forge a “Framework Agreement for an Israeli-Palestinian Permanent Peace.” This policy brief outlines the principles that such a framework might embody, with the essential objective of two states for two peoples.
Gilead Sher July 13, 2021
Houston Energy Dialogues 2020
In 2020, Energy Dialogues and the Center for Energy Studies hosted a virtual event at which representatives from industry, academia, environmental groups and regulatory bodies focused on four themes: the impact of COVID-19 on global energy demand, resiliency in the energy industry, net-zero aspirations and pathways for transitioning to a lower-carbon future. This report summarizes the discussions held during the event.
Kenneth B. Medlock III June 28, 2021
Refugees walk on dirt path
Strengthening Mexico’s Asylum System Through Cross-border Civil Society Engagement
Based on the results of a survey conducted in March 2021, the authors argue that Mexico's asylum system can be strengthened by bolstering transnational cooperation between Mexican civil society organizations and U.S. policymakers and NGOs.
Kelsey Norman, Ana Martín Gil, Kevin Cole, Zaid Hydari June 7, 2021
Map of Middle East.
Key Middle East Policy Issues for the Biden Administration
This brief explores pressing issues the Biden administration should address in developing a strategy for the Middle East. It provides analysis and policy recommendations related to the GCC states, U.S.-Iran relations, Islamist groups, and refugees and migration. Further CME publications will address issues such as the prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace and the crisis in Lebanon.
Kelsey Norman, A.Kadir Yildirim, Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Mohammad Ayatollahi Tabaar March 17, 2021
International Space Station with a background of Earth and the moon.
International Cooperation & Space Exploration
The space station is an outstanding model for international cooperation by the world's nations. Similarly, cooperation can advance many other areas of science and technology through shared expertise and costs, and the pursuit of complementary efforts.
George W.S. Abbey March 1, 2021