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107 Results
A nickel processing site.
Need Nickel? How Electrifying Transport and Chinese Investment Are Playing Out in the Indonesian Archipelago
The authors examine tensions in nickel supply and value chains within the context of broad aspirations to electrify transport. Through their case study, which focuses on China’s growing presence in Indonesian nickel extraction and processing, they contend that China is positioning itself as a gatekeeper to the energy transition — with vast implications for strategic planning in the United States.
Michelle Michot Foss, Jacob Koelsch April 11, 2022
Overview of FSRU
A Bridge Over Troubled Water: LNG FSRUs Can Enhance European Energy Security
The war in Ukraine could severely disrupt exports of Russian gas to Europe. Energy fellows Steven Miles and Gabriel Collins explain how existing LNG floating storage vessels can provide a concrete, rapidly implementable gas supply solution until longer-term infrastructure investments are in place.
Steven R. Miles, Gabriel Collins March 29, 2022
A tractor fertilizes crops.
Mexico and the Soaring International Price of Fertilizers
Although once known for its robust urea and ammonia production capabilities, Mexico found itself particularly vulnerable to soaring international fertilizer prices in 2021. With the global circumstances surrounding the spike in prices likely to linger through 2022, and Mexico's state-owned infrastructure still hampered by technical issues, the impact could be borne all the way to dinner tables in the form of higher nutrient prices for local farmers and food inflation.
Adrian Duhalt February 24, 2022
Multiple rows of cars lined up at the US-Mexico border.
Mexican Consumption and the Economic Impact of the Coronavirus on Texas Border Counties
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez, the postdoctoral research fellow in international trade for the Center for the U.S. and Mexico, analyzes the economic impact of COVID-19 travel restrictions on the tourism industry of Texas border counties, many of which depend on Mexicans entering the U.S. and spending billions of dollars each year.
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez December 4, 2020