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102 Results
North and South America on a globe.
The Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty Is Dead
The United States' exit from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty appears more like a gesture than part of a well-considered long-term plan. There are few signs that the Trump administration has given substantial thought to how the U.S. can best protect its interests in a new and challenging international environment.
Joe Barnes August 27, 2019
A Bible and the Christian cross on top of an American Flag.
Religious Tolerance and the U.S. Foreign Policy Bureaucracy
David Buckley offers brief reflections on distinct approaches to religion in U.S. diplomacy, particularly at the State Department, and the implications they may have for religious tolerance abroad. His post is the first of 12 prepared for an April 2019 workshop on “Religion, Reverence and Tolerance” organized by the Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance at Rice University.  Baker Institute Blog: https://bit.ly/2z6CGZo
David Buckley August 19, 2019
A ship carries cargo for trade.
U.S. Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2 Pipeline: Strategic Hit or Miss?
While sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline project would be very well received in Central and Eastern Europe, they could make the already strained relationship between U.S. and its Western European allies even more challenging, the author writes in a Forbes blog post: http://bit.ly/305Cc1F and the Baker Institute Blog.
Anna B. Mikulska August 15, 2019
The Nobel Peace Center in Norway.
A Call for Sustaining U.S. Scientific International Collaboration: What the Nobel Prize Tells Us
While the U.S. still maintains the overall lead in Nobel prizes (with the exception of literature), the rate at which American scientists have been awarded the prize has declined since the late 1970s. Fellow Kirstin R.W. Matthews and postdoctoral fellow Kenneth M. Evans explore the state of scientific collaboration in the U.S. in this Baker Institute blog: https://bit.ly/2yiNhzF
Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 5, 2018