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258 Results
Globe showing Americas
Normalizing U.S.-Cuban Relations: Long Overdue
The United States and Cuba, it seems, are poised to resume diplomatic relations severed in 1961. Fellow Joe Barnes explains why normalization of relations between the two countries is simple "good sense." Read "Normalizing U.S.-Cuban relations: Long overdue" in the Dec. 18, 2014, Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes December 18, 2014
latin america
Latin America Initiative | Commentary
Uruguay’s Second Round

By Natalia Roba, 2011 Americas Project Fellow, Uruguay

The Oct. 26 elections in Uruguay confirmed the hegemony of center-left…

November 24, 2014
Women in hijab in a crowd
Rethinking Female Empowerment in the MENA Region
What is empowerment? How can women across the MENA region become empowered? Is it possible for Western-born concepts — such as female empowerment — to travel across complex contexts and patriarchal/male-dominated cultures? While agreeing on a definition for female empowerment has proved to be a challenging task among scholars and policy practitioners, working out a universal framework that is applicable to different settings has proven to be an even more daunting task.
October 28, 2014