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10 Results
A nickel processing site.
Need Nickel? How Electrifying Transport and Chinese Investment Are Playing Out in the Indonesian Archipelago
The authors examine tensions in nickel supply and value chains within the context of broad aspirations to electrify transport. Through their case study, which focuses on China’s growing presence in Indonesian nickel extraction and processing, they contend that China is positioning itself as a gatekeeper to the energy transition — with vast implications for strategic planning in the United States.
Michelle Michot Foss, Jacob Koelsch April 11, 2022
2019 Houston Mayoral Survey
This report, produced in collaboration with the University of Houston's Hobby School of Public Affairs, analyzes findings of a survey on Houstonians’ views on the candidates in the Houston mayoral race: http://bit.ly/2PavYL9.
Mark P. Jones, Renee Cross, Richard Murray, Agustín Vallejo October 20, 2019
Crime scene in Mexico
Mayoral Homicides in Mexico
This paper seeks to identify the key factors that explain why local officials in Mexico — mayors, former mayors, mayors-elect and mayoral candidates — are being killed and to provide policy alternatives to address this important threat to Mexican democracy.
David Pérez Esparza, Helden De Paz Mancera June 4, 2018