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11 Results
Wind turbines and solar panels against a sunset.
Grids and Renewables
In the transition to a renewable energy future, we must invest in a new transmission infrastructure – some crossing state borders – that connects intermittent power, traditional power and users, write Center for Energy Studies experts.
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Olivera Jankovska, Julie A. Cohn February 22, 2021
A woman sneezes into a tissue.
Improving the Effectiveness of the Annual Flu Vaccine
By Michael W. Deem, Melia E. Bonomo and Kirstin R.W. Matthews Due to the rapidly mutating influenza virus, a new vaccine is usually developed for each flu season. In this policy brief, the authors discuss the current method used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop the flu vaccine and propose the use of mathematical modeling to improve the vaccine's effectiveness.
Michael W. Deem, Melia E. Bonomo, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 29, 2018