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9 Results
A needle poking a human cell.
Rethinking Human Embryo Research Policies
It now seems technically feasible to culture human embryos beyond the “fourteen‐day limit,” which has the potential to increase scientific understanding of human development and perhaps improve infertility treatments. Robust stakeholder engagement preceded adoption of the fourteen‐day limit and should arguably be part of efforts to reassess it, write the authors.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Ana S. Iltis, Daniel S. Wagner, Nuria Gallego Marquez, Jason Scott Robert, Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, Marieke Bigg, Sarah Franklin, Soren Holm, Ingrid Metzler, Matteo A. Molè, Jochen Taupitz, Giuseppe Testa, Jeremy Sugarman February 26, 2021
Many trees cut down in a forest.
Ecology and Economics for Pandemic Prevention
The global financial cost of Covid-19 could top $15 trillion. But governments could prevent future pandemics by investing as little as $22 billion a year in programs to curb wildlife trafficking and stem the destruction of tropical forests, according to an international team of scientists including Baker Institute Faculty Scholar Ted Loch-Temzelides.
Ted Loch-Temzelides, Andrew Dobson, Stuart Pimm, Lee Hannah, Les Kaufman, Jorge Ahumada, Amy Ando, Aaron Bernstein, Jonah Busch, Peter Daszak, Jens Engelmann, Margaret Kinnaird, Binbin Li, Thomas Lovejoy, Katarzyna Nowak, Patrick Roehrdanz, Mariana Vale July 24, 2020
A child stands on parent's feet.
Relationships Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Protective Factors Among Parents At-Risk for Child Maltreatment
In this study, the authors found that a parental history of ACEs can weaken protective factors — such as resilience and social connections — that could mitigate the risk of perpetuating the trauma in the next generation.  Children and Youth Services Review: http://bit.ly/2UmOH95
Lisa Panisch, Catherine LaBrenz, Jennifer Lawson, Beth Gerlach, Patrick S. Tennant, Swetha Nulu, Monica Faulkner February 3, 2020
A globe sits on a desk.
Changing Motivations or Capabilities? Migration Deterrence in the Global Context
Many migration-governance policies have been described by policymakers and politicians as deterrence. This linkage neutralizes the language around what are actually highly militarized, defense-based policies. This paper is intended as a first step toward improving conceptual clarity around the meaning of deterrence in the migration-governance context.  International Studies Review: http://bit.ly/2spZS4T
Jonathan Kent, Kelsey Norman, Katherine Tennis September 23, 2019
Graph with numbers related to the economy.
The Winner's Curse in Acquisitions of Privately-held Firms
The winner’s curse — overestimating the value of an asset and therefore overpaying — is often associated with acquisitions of publicly-traded firms but not with private acquisitions. Using an event study methodology for over 22,000 private acquisitions of U.S. firms between 1985 and 2015, the authors examine a possible winner’s curse for such acquisitions, testing variables to determine what characteristics make a private company more likely to overestimate the asset's value.
James Brander, Edward J. Egan February 1, 2017