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22 Results
Marijuana bud next to a gavel
New Frontiers: Hemp Law & Litigation
Products containing hemp extracts high in CBD are gaining mainstream popularity, acceptance and federal legality. In this article, Lisa Pittman, nonresident fellow in drug policy, focuses on litigation issues particular to hemp.
Lisa Pittman February 1, 2020
New Laws in Texas for Hemp
According to the authors, as a leading agricultural state, Texas is poised to become the new leader in hemp production, whether for medicinal or industrial purposes.
Lisa Pittman, Thomas Pittman February 1, 2020
The Nobel Peace Center in Norway.
Another All-male Lineup for the Science Nobels: Is It Time to Stop Caring?
Despite internal changes in how scientists are nominated for the Nobel Prize, there is still a substantial gender bias in prize recipients. Concrete policy changes are needed to ensure more diversity is reflected in the world’s most visible and prestigious scientific honor, write experts Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews and Daniel Moralí. Baker Institute blog: http://bit.ly/2MDRDbW
Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Daniel Moralí October 14, 2019
The Nobel Peace Center in Norway.
A Call for Sustaining U.S. Scientific International Collaboration: What the Nobel Prize Tells Us
While the U.S. still maintains the overall lead in Nobel prizes (with the exception of literature), the rate at which American scientists have been awarded the prize has declined since the late 1970s. Fellow Kirstin R.W. Matthews and postdoctoral fellow Kenneth M. Evans explore the state of scientific collaboration in the U.S. in this Baker Institute blog: https://bit.ly/2yiNhzF
Kenneth M. Evans, Kirstin R.W. Matthews October 5, 2018
Climate change concept
A Conservative Answer to Climate Change
James A. Baker, III, and George P. Shultz — both former secretaries of state and Treasury secretaries — offer "A Conservative Answer to Climate Change" in a commentary for The Wall Street Journal.
James A. Baker, III, George P. Shulz February 15, 2017