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5 Results
A Doomed Relationship: Ennahdha and Salafism
Contrary to expectations, the relationship between Ennahdha and the Salafis in Tunisia was destined for failure. The authors explain why, but note that the reasons young people looked to Salafism for revolutionary purity and inspiration remain. Those interested in the stability of Tunisia's regime should not take the defeat of Salafism for granted, they write.
Sabrina Zouaghi, Francesco Cavatorta April 27, 2018
A map focused on Venezuela.
Venezuela's Oil Mythologies Have Hindered Its Development
Cultural myths — and by extension, the suppositions they inspire — have played a major role in shaping Venezuela's relationship with and management of oil resources throughout much of the last 100 years, writes nonresident fellow Luis Pacheco. To achieve sustainable economic and social development, Venezuela must move beyond such beliefs and establish a new approach that is more attuned to current times.
Luis A. Pacheco February 5, 2018