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394 Results
Yarrington, GarcĂ­a Luna, and Cienfuegos: Three Cases that Explain the New Judicial Relationship Between Mexico and the United States
In this report, fellow Tony Payan examines three recent U.S. criminal cases involving high-ranking Mexican officials. These cases point to a new “policy” by Washington to use its long-arm jurisdiction to arrest, prosecute and punish Mexican officials who have committed crimes that harm U.S. interests, he writes.
Tony Payan May 15, 2023
Rio Grande
Treaty and Non-Treaty Mechanisms for Resolving the Rio Grande River Water Debt Dilemma
As climate change continues to alter the outlook for water abundance in the Rio Grande River Basin, what mechanisms currently exist and what additional mechanisms are needed if Mexico is to comply with the requirements of the 1944 Water Treaty? Nonresident scholar Stephen Mumme and co-author Oscar Ibáñez explain.
Stephen Mumme, Oscar Ibáñez December 12, 2022