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238 Results
Should the VA Be More Proactive About Promoting Service-connected Disability Benefits for Potentially Eligible Veterans Who Use VA Health Care?
In the December 2020 issue of the Health Policy Research (HPR) newsletter, Drew Helmer, the deputy director of the Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety, argues that the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs should be more proactive about promoting service-connected disability benefits for potentially eligible veterans.
Drew A. Helmer December 1, 2020
Podcast: U.S. Govt Debt Growth
How are debt projections and the interest rate tied to broad demographic transformations underway in the U.S. and across the world today? And how worried should we be by rising federal debt? Tune in to this Policy Matters podcast with public finance fellow Jorge Barro to find out: https://bit.ly/2zhIG4M
Jorge Barro May 6, 2020
Podcast: Refugees & the coronavirus
While refugees are not inherently more susceptible to the Covid-19 virus, many live in conditions that leave them highly vulnerable. This special podcast draws from an April 16 webinar hosted by the Baker Institute Roundtable. It features Kelsey Norman, Ph.D., the Kelly Day Fellow in Women’s Rights, Human Rights and Refugees. Listen to the podcast here.
Kelsey Norman April 24, 2020