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71 Results
Afghanistan on a map.
Biden, Nixon & Afghanistan
Joe Barnes explores why, in the absence of a viable alternative that does not involve an open-ended commitment in Afghanistan, President Biden’s plan to withdraw makes sense — even if it does entail potential real costs and real risks. Read his post in the Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes July 12, 2021
Transmission towers against a sunset.
Engineers and Economists Prize Efficiency, but Nature Favors Resilience — Lessons From Texas, COVID-19 and the 737 Max
Baker Institute Rice Faculty Scholar and University Professor Moshe Vardi analyzes three recent crises — the 2021 winter storm in Texas, the COVID-19 pandemic and the Boeing 737 Max software failure — that highlight the cost of valuing efficiency over resilience and provide lessons for bringing society into balance.
Moshe Vardi May 19, 2021