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34 Results
Unbalanced scales of justice.
Drug Policy Priority Issues for the Biden Administration
Effective drug policy requires acceptance that, for better or worse, licit and illicit drug use is part of our world. The authors recommend several steps the federal government can take to facilitate more pragmatic and effective drug policy at all levels of government.
Katharine Neill Harris, William Martin February 5, 2021
U.S. Deficits, Debt and Dimensions of Analysis
As the Biden administration confronts a difficult economic environment, experts at the Center for Public Finance highlight key policy levers Congress might use to stabilize the U.S. fiscal situation and propose three main dimensions on which fiscal policy proposals should be evaluated to ensure transparency.
Jorge Barro, Joyce Beebe January 27, 2021
Plastic bottles of various colors.
Is the Foundation of the Circular Plastics Economy About to Go Up in Flames? A Cross-Atlantic, Interdisciplinary Perspective in Europe and the U.S.
The authors assert that the time is ripe for the United States and Europe to take the lead on shepherding a systems-level change in the recycling market, strengthened by government regulation and legislation. They examine the economic, social, and environmental impacts of mismanaged waste and argue that the Covid-19 pandemic could serve as a catalyst for action toward a global, circular economy.
Rachel A. Meidl, Vilma Havas, Brita Staal, Amy Brooks September 18, 2020