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22 Results
Windmills in the sunset
More Transitions, Less Risk: How Renewable Energy Reduces Risks from Mining, Trade and Political Dependence
An emerging perspective in U.S. public discourse claims that a buildout of renewable electricity would exacerbate supply risks, mining intensity, and import dependence. This ScienceDirect article from fellow Jim Krane and graduate student Robert Idel contends the opposite is true, demonstrating how transitioning to renewables hugely reduces the materials, mining and political risk involved compared to coal.
Jim Krane September 9, 2021
A globe sits on a desk.
Changing Motivations or Capabilities? Migration Deterrence in the Global Context
Many migration-governance policies have been described by policymakers and politicians as deterrence. This linkage neutralizes the language around what are actually highly militarized, defense-based policies. This paper is intended as a first step toward improving conceptual clarity around the meaning of deterrence in the migration-governance context.  International Studies Review: http://bit.ly/2spZS4T
Jonathan Kent, Kelsey Norman, Katherine Tennis September 23, 2019