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2729 Results
Podcast: U.S. Govt Debt Growth
How are debt projections and the interest rate tied to broad demographic transformations underway in the U.S. and across the world today? And how worried should we be by rising federal debt? Tune in to this Policy Matters podcast with public finance fellow Jorge Barro to find out: https://bit.ly/2zhIG4M
Jorge Barro May 6, 2020
Nanotechnology structures.
Measuring the True Cost of Sustainability: A Case Study in a Green Energy Approach
The authors present a case study that considers the technological merits of methane pyrolysis while also addressing real-world implications including health and safety risks and commercial risks for introducing new carbon supply chains. This issue brief is a preliminary paper introducing forthcoming research that will be expounded upon in future publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25613/7tvg-6k39
Rachel A. Meidl, Emily Yedinak April 28, 2020