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2758 Results
Commentary — Solar’s Bright Future Faces a Cloudy Reality: What About All the Waste?
"With the pressures of climate change and the urgency to incorporate alternative energy resources like wind and solar, the fixation on the purported benefits of energy transition technologies overshadows the glaring reality — an absence of strategy around identifying and quantifying other life cycle externalities, such as waste disposal or environmental impacts," write fellow Rachel Meidl and research assistant Mathilde Saada. Read more on the Baker Institute Blog.
Rachel A. Meidl, Mathilde Saada January 18, 2022
Map syringe
Hotez: A COVID Vaccine for All
As the world faces the latest wave of COVID-19, a vaccine produced by health fellow Peter Hotez and his colleague Maria Elena Bottazzi is ready to be deployed. Their CORBEVAX vaccine is inexpensive, effective, safe and easy to store and distribute, they write. Read their article in Scientific American: https://bit.ly/3n28isA
Peter J. Hotez, Maria Elena Bottazzi January 6, 2022
Biden’s Foreign Policy: One Year In
President Biden's foreign policy is colored by both decisiveness and a realism that falls short of his idealism, with a result that draws elements of Trump's and Obama's approaches together, writes fellow Joe Barnes. Read his post on our blog.
Joe Barnes January 4, 2022
Emerging Human Embryo Research Technologies, the 14-day Rule, and the Special Status of the Embryo
The authors examine a proposal for new human embryo and embryoid guidelines, writing that before conducting any research beyond day 14, scientists must develop clear, thoughtful and culturally sensitive guidelines that include limitations and oversight procedures to ensure that science responds to societal needs and values.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Ana S. Iltis, Sam Lowe December 21, 2021
Woman with mask waiting in line to vote in a U.S. election.
A Presidential Election During the Time of COVID-19
Held virtually across three days in December 2020, the Presidential Elections Program's third conference — "A Presidential Election During the Time of COVID-19" — brought together a diverse group of academics, campaign consultants and other prominent individuals to review the dynamics and outcome of the 2020 presidential election. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions of the many individuals who participated in the conference’s five thematic panels, as well as a moderated conversation featuring veteran political consultants Stephanie Cutter and Beth Myers, who served as the conference's honorary co-chairs.
Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams December 20, 2021
Chinese oil production
U.S.-China Competition Enters the Decade of Maximum Danger: Policy Ideas to Avoid Losing the 2020s
As China’s power reaches its peak over the next decade, President Xi Jinping may make a bold move against Taiwan. To protect American interests and the rules-based order, the authors argue that the United States and its allies should immediately mobilize resources to deter Chinese aggression.
Gabriel Collins, Andrew S. Erickson December 20, 2021
Drugs and a gun with money in a pile
What the New U.S.-Mexico Deal Means for Drug Policy
This October the U.S. and Mexico agreed on a new bilateral security program, but "unless the United States and Mexico pursue domestic structural reforms ... both nations risk backsliding to the failures of the drug wars," writes MGA student and Drug Policy guest contributor Sidney Phillips.
December 16, 2021