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2729 Results
Ukraine flag
How Ukraine Is Upending Putin’s War
The war in Ukraine has taken a dramatic turn. The recent Ukrainian victory in the Kharkiv region has sent a clear message to Putin, who has so far responded with partial mobilization: Russia is in deep trouble in Ukraine.
Joe Barnes September 21, 2022
Health insurance
Estimating the Potential Profit Gains from Lowering Employee Health Care Costs for America’s Largest Companies
This report finds that America's largest companies could be increasing their profits by identifying opportunities to reign in the costs of health insurance coverage — while still maintaining or improving the quality of benefits for their employees.
Alan Beltran Lara, Cindy Nguyen, Marah Short, Vivian Ho September 19, 2022
Textured flags of America and Mexico
What’s up with the USMCA and Mexico’s Energy Policy?
Despite U.S. officials’ attempts to persuade Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to change course on his energy policy, which violates key provisions of the USMCA, his administration has not backed down, the authors write. They explain where the disputes between the U.S. and Mexico currently stand and what they mean for other aspects of the binational relationship.
Miriam Grunstein, Tony Payan September 14, 2022
Mexican Military
Walks Like a Junta, Looks Like a Junta, Must be a Military Junta ... in Mexico
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is about to achieve the quiet but full militarization of Mexican society by placing all armed government forces under Defense Secretariat command, writes nonresident fellow Gary Hale. If he is successful, this could lay the groundwork for his possible extended tenure, even if it creates a military junta by subterfuge.
Gary J. Hale September 12, 2022
Queen Elizabeth II
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II
“A beautiful and bright light of honor, thoughtfulness and elegance went out today with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, whose 70-year reign was a beacon for her countrymen as well as those in the West who admired her enduring spirit.”
James A. Baker, III September 8, 2022