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Science Advice in the Trump White House
As his term progresses, President Trump will be faced with a large number of policy challenges, some of them requiring immediate science & technology expertise. In this Science Magazine article, the authors urge the president to consider the Office of Science & Technology Policy, the science advisor and the presidential S&T councils as vital resources that should be used early in the term to drive his policy agenda.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Kenneth M. Evans, Neal F. Lane February 10, 2017
Graph with numbers related to the economy.
The Winner's Curse in Acquisitions of Privately-held Firms
The winner’s curse — overestimating the value of an asset and therefore overpaying — is often associated with acquisitions of publicly-traded firms but not with private acquisitions. Using an event study methodology for over 22,000 private acquisitions of U.S. firms between 1985 and 2015, the authors examine a possible winner’s curse for such acquisitions, testing variables to determine what characteristics make a private company more likely to overestimate the asset's value.
James Brander, Edward J. Egan February 1, 2017