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410 Results
James Carville at Presidential Elections conference
2019 Conference Report: A Presidential Election in an Uncertain Time
The Baker Institute's Presidential Elections Program held its second conference, “A Presidential Election in an Uncertain Time” in December 2019. Fellows Mark P. Jones and John B. Williams summarize the presentations and discussions of the many academics, campaign consultants, journalists, and other individuals who participated in the four thematic panels as well as a lunch conversation featuring political consultants James Carville and Mary Matalin.
Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams February 24, 2020
Hidden money
Corruption and Democracy in Mexico: An Empirical Analysis
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has pledged to end corrupt practices in Mexico. Yet some of his other goals — such as returning to a more centralized government — might actually foster corruption. Postdoctoral fellow Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez explores this situation and analyzes the relationship between democracy and corruption in Mexico.
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez October 3, 2019