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87 Results
Textured flags of America and Mexico
What’s up with the USMCA and Mexico’s Energy Policy?
Despite U.S. officials’ attempts to persuade Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to change course on his energy policy, which violates key provisions of the USMCA, his administration has not backed down, the authors write. They explain where the disputes between the U.S. and Mexico currently stand and what they mean for other aspects of the binational relationship.
Miriam Grunstein, Tony Payan September 14, 2022
A nurse administers a COVID-19 vaccination.
Failures in COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Data Collection Complicated Efforts to Ensure Vaccine Equity in Texas
As the pandemic persisted across the state, did Texans living in cities have better access to Covid-19 vaccines than those in rural areas? How did race or age factor in? The authors assess the successes and shortfalls of Texas' vaccine distribution strategy, and how to do better next time.
Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Rekha Lakshmanan March 4, 2022
Empty Hospital Bed with Chart Overlay
COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Among Underserved Latino Communities: Barriers and Facilitators
"In the U.S., Latinos are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. A critical step to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is diagnostic testing," write scholar Luz Garcini and co-authors. This research article identifies the barriers and facilitators that must be addressed in order to implement accessible, effective testing.
Luz Maria Garcini, Tommy Tam Pham, Arlynn Ambriz, Sarah Lill, Joel Tsevat October 31, 2021