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285 Results
A gavel rests in front of the Mexican flag.
Vigilantism in Mexico: A New Phase in Mexico's Security Crisis
The violent struggle between rival Mexican drug cartels and other criminal groups has left tens of thousands dead and towns across Mexico paralyzed with fear. With overwhelmed police forces relatively powerless to control drug-related murders and kidnappings, a growing number of vigilante organizations, or self-defense groups, aim to restore order — but now even they are fighting, and killing, among themselves.
Gary J. Hale April 18, 2014
A military tank crosses the border from Russia into Ukraine on this stylized map
Ukraine: Is Russia Ready to Move Again?
Joe Barnes, the institute's Bonner Means Baker Fellow, blogs on concern in Kyiv, Washington and European capitals — not too far-fetched, given Russia’s seizure of Crimea last month — that Moscow might invade Eastern Ukraine on the pretext of protecting Russian speakers.
Joe Barnes April 8, 2014
An oil tanker docks at a port.
Medlock Testifies Before Congress
Kenneth B. Medlock III, James A. Baker, III, and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource Economics, testified about crude oil production and energy trade policy before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Kenneth B. Medlock III April 2, 2014