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797 Results
Environmental, Economic, and Energy Assessment of the Ultimate Analysis and Moisture Content of Municipal Solid Waste in a Parallel Co-combustion Process
This research discerns how municipal solid waste (MSW) composition influences the heating value and air pollution for the co-combustion of coal with MSW using five MSW composition scenarios, four of which were derived by a reduction of plastics, organics, paper, or a combination thereof, as compared to the national average MSW composition.
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Pedro Alvarez December 27, 2013
Women in hijab in a crowd
When Sexual Harassment Becomes a Barrier to Development
Most recent reports on sexual harassment in Egypt draw a dim picture of women’s status not only in that country, but also in most parts of the region. A recent United Nations study revealed that 99.3 percent of Egyptian women have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the past year, primarily in the form of physical harassment. A recent public opinion survey showed that 85 percent of Egyptian women surveyed agree sexual harassment is the most urgent problem facing women and girls in transitional Egypt, despite the prevailing political and social instability in the country. Looking closely at these statistics, it is evident that sexual harassment is becoming not only a repugnant social phenomenon or political tool used by the regime to suppress women’s participation in the political and public spheres; it is also progressively becoming a barrier for women to play an active role in society and enjoy equal citizenship rights in their own country. Most importantly, harassment has become an impediment for both economic and social development in the country—a critical issue that requires immediate attention from policymakers, legislators, and society as a whole.
Marwa Shalaby December 23, 2013
Mexico Flag
Energy Reform Moves Forward in Mexican Senate, but Obstacles Remain for Big Oil
On Monday, three committees in Mexico’s senate — constitutional issues, energy and legislative studies — voted to bring an energy reform bill to the chamber’s floor for debate. The legislation would provide international oil companies the opportunity to participate in profit-sharing contracts and concession-like licenses for energy operations in Mexico, and it is expected to become law by the end of the legislative session Dec. 15.
Dylan McNally December 10, 2013
The ISS orbits the Earth
U.S.-Russia Space Policy
As we look to the future of space travel, we should heed the lessons we are learning on the International Space Station, be realistic about space exploration beyond Earth orbit, build on the foundation of the station and our partnerships, and do human exploration from the onset together.
George W.S. Abbey September 13, 2013
A digitized version of North America.
Latin America Initiative | Working Paper
Performance and Challenges of the Colombian Economy
As of 2013, Colombia faces various challenges associated with managing an uncertain international economic environment and reversing adverse long-term trends, notably high domestic inequalities and the weakening of its manufacturing and agricultural sectors.
José Antonio Ocampo September 11, 2013