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2733 Results
A skilled immigrant ties back her hair.
Linking Mexican Immigrants' Contributions to the U.S. Knowledge Economy
High-skilled immigrants from emerging markets are playing an increasingly important role in the global knowledge economy, writes nonresident scholar Elizabeth Salamanca Pacheco. In this paper, Salamanca Pacheco explains how high-skilled migrants from Mexico are well positioned to alleviate a STEM talent shortage in the U.S. and stimulate innovation in their native country.
Elizabeth Salamanca February 25, 2022
A tractor fertilizes crops.
Mexico and the Soaring International Price of Fertilizers
Although once known for its robust urea and ammonia production capabilities, Mexico found itself particularly vulnerable to soaring international fertilizer prices in 2021. With the global circumstances surrounding the spike in prices likely to linger through 2022, and Mexico's state-owned infrastructure still hampered by technical issues, the impact could be borne all the way to dinner tables in the form of higher nutrient prices for local farmers and food inflation.
Adrian Duhalt February 24, 2022
A natural gas plant in Russia.
Send Lawyers, (Gas) and Money: Executive Summary for “Strategic Response Options if Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe”
This executive summary recaps a longer report that seeks to quantify the energy security consequences of a disruption of gas supplies from Russia to Europe, and to assess strengths, weaknesses and consequences of potential responses.
Gabriel Collins, Kenneth B. Medlock III, Anna B. Mikulska, Steven R. Miles February 21, 2022
Power lines during a freeze.
ERCOT Froze in February 2021. What Happened? Why Did It Happen? Can It Happen Again?
The authors conduct a step-by-step examination of various factors that were blamed for the extended power outage on the ERCOT electricity grid in February 2021. While no single factor fully explains the calamity, the bureaucratic failure in identifying and addressing risks along fuel supply chains was a major failure. Most proposed remedies do not fundamentally address what occurred. The authors make several recommendations, some of which have already been implemented.
Peter R. Hartley, Kenneth B. Medlock III, Shih Yu (Elsie) Hung February 2, 2022